She Kills Monsters; Virtual realms, by Qui Ngyuen

Directed by Carrie Pozdol
Virtully presented Dec. 10-12, 2021
Iowa City Community Theatre


Jana Egan

Henry Hunnicutt

Nick Kilburg

Syd Kuhl

Tristan Maynard

Ruby Murray

Anne Ohrt

Christine Sawka Fraser

Josh Sazon

Zach Simmons

Ad Stratton

Kelly Yacono

Photo credits: ICCT

"A unique aspect of the play that I have not seen in any other virtual adaptations were the animated clips that played over many of the sections narrated by Josh Sazon, as well as during some battle scenes. Though the actual animations were rough and choppy, they added a charming adolescent quality to the play that helped establish the setting and characters as high-school aged. Additionally, the use of music played over some scenes really helped distract from the virtual format at times. Combined with energetic performances from the cast, the play did feel much like a stage production, if you ignore the boxed screens each of the characters speak from."

-Parker Jones, The Daily Iowan